Regulations for UC spin-off companies under public consultation

Suggestions can be sent until the 6th of February.

Maria Cano com UC Business
Diana Taborda (EN trl.)
16 january, 2024≈ 2 min read

© UC | Ana Bartolomeu

The Regulation for the recognition of spin-off companies at the University of Coimbra (UC) is currently under public consultation and the academic community is invited to participate.

The document aims to strengthen links between academia and industry by supporting highly innovative and technological projects.

According to the regulation, the recognition of companies as UC spin-offs aims to "a) foster the transfer of knowledge and technology generated at the UC to companies and society; b) contribute to economic and social development by creating innovative and technology-based companies; c) provide a more attractive environment for the development of R&D activities at the UC; d) Leverage the results of the technology and intellectual property produced, bringing them closer to the market".

Contributions can be sent by e-mail to or by post to the Technology Transfer Division (UCB), Polo II, Rua Luís Reis dos Santos, n.º 290, 3030-790 Coimbra.

The Regulation for the Recognition of UC Spin-offs is available here. [in Portuguese only].