Welcome and Integration Week for the new students of the University of Coimbra

The event runs from 11 to 15 September with a free concert by Miguel Araújo and the Big Band Rags.

Rui Marques Simões
07 september, 2023≈ 3 min read

© UC | François Fernandes

English version: Diana Taborda

The Welcome and Integration Week for the new students of the University of Coimbra starts on Monday, the 11th. The event runs until the 15th of September and includes initiatives in all the Faculties and Departments, a peddy-paper around the city of Coimbra, sports activities and a concert by Miguel Araújo and the Big Band Rags (made up of members of the Tuna Académica of the University of Coimbra).

The Welcome and Integration Week for new students at the University of Coimbra starts on Monday, the 11th. The event runs until the 15th of September and includes initiatives in all the Faculties and Departments, a peddy-paper around the city of Coimbra, sports activities and a concert by Miguel Araújo and the Big Band Rags (made up of members of the Tuna Académica of the University of Coimbra).

This innovative programme aims to facilitate the integration of new UC students, allowing them to discover the city and learn more about the places where they will be studying. "With this wide-ranging and interdisciplinary initiative, we want to integrate the new students who are now joining the UC community in a meaningful way. We want everyone to feel at home and carry happy memories with them," says the UC Rector, Amílcar Falcão.

The UC Welcome and Integration Week includes activities with the student centres of the Coimbra Students' Union (AAC-Associação Académica de Coimbra) (Monday 11); the peddy-paper " Discover the UC, Discover Coimbra" (Tuesday 12); the forum "What I want to be and can be: university student and citizen" (Wednesday the 13th, at Student Hub); presenting UC services, projects and initiatives (Wednesday the 13th, at Rua Larga;, activities organised by UC Sports (Thursday the 14th, at the University Stadium) and daily initiatives at the Faculties and Departments (running from Monday the 11th to Friday the 15th).

The highlight of the programme (available at https://estudarnauc.uc.pt/en/welcome/) is the concert by Miguel Araújo, with the participation of the Big Band Rags, to be held on the 13th at 8pm at the Schools Patio - with free admission. Tickets for students must be booked until the 11th September through the AAC student groups, the Erasmus Student Network and the Association of Researchers and Brazilian Students in Coimbra. Other members of the university community and the general public can collect their tickets from the UC Tourism shop at the College of Jesus (up to two tickets per person and limited to available tickets).